Monday, March 17, 2014

Godly Sorrow and Repentance

2 Corinthians 7:10

"For godly sorrow produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death."

Are you grieving, dear Christian? Has some sin in your life caused you much pain? Rejoice in the fact that this type of grief leads to salvation. If the Holy Spirit had not come and shown us our depravity, we would have never turned to the Savior. The work of the Holy Spirit in our lives is both the comforter and also the helper. We assume that to help someone is to always encourage their behavior, but to truly help someone does not mean to approve of everything that they do. To allow someone to continue in sin is to allow them to continue on a path towards death... that is not helpful in the least. Therefore, our Helper is more than one who brings us encouraging words. He is also the one who points out those areas in our lives that are still clinging to the decaying flesh of our evil nature, so that we can put it to death. This is a painful process. Somethings we are not so easily willing to give up, but it must be done. Godly grief is spurred on by a humble heart. Someone who is full of pride may not see the sin that needs to be done away with, but the one with a humble heart knows all too well the sin in his own life. This sin leads to grief, which leads to repentance, which leads to salvation. And this Salvation is not only a salvation, but one without regret! We have no need to look on past sins and continue to grieve over them. No, they are done away, through repentance and the salvation of Christ. This is one thing that Christians need to grasp a hold of, also. After repentance, the grief is over. Some feel that, after sin and repentance, there must be a mourning period. How long is this period of mourning supposed to last? One week? One day? One hour? One minute? The grief is prior to the repentance. Upon repentance, we are free from regret. Take a hold of this promise, friends. 

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