Friday, October 24, 2014

Enjoy Wealth

1 Timothy 6:17-19

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

Dear Christians, in our present age, there are many who are wealthy. Some do not even recognize that they are the wealthy of which this verse speaks. There are many in the world who live on less than a dollar a day. They do not have a one bedroom house, but rather a one room shack--and many do not even have this! There are many who have no idea what a television is, much less a cable bill. Grocery money is not the problem, but food for the day. There is no budget--make money today, and there might be food to eat. When we look on all that the Lord has blessed us with, we must remember this fact. We are very wealthy, even if we do not feel that all our desires are met. We must take this verse as a charge to ourselves--do not be haughty and set your hopes on material things. 

When we have things, it is not wrong to enjoy them, however. God placed Adam and Eve in the garden, and gave them delightful fruits to eat, and wonderful animals with which to mingle. They enjoyed what God had given them. The rich young man was told to sell everything he had, not because the possessions were bad, but because he had placed them higher than God. Maybe God is saying the same thing to us, but maybe we have been blessed for a purpose. The Bible is clear that when we have more than we need, it is for the purpose of filling the needs of others. If we are obedient and listening to the Holy Spirit's voice, He will direct us in how we ought to use our wealth for God's glory. This does not mean that we do not enjoy the blessings that God has given us. Many people fear that all pleasure is from the Enemy, but they forget that God is the one who created things to be enjoyed--Satan merely twists them into idols. 

In the end, we must keep our focus on eternity. In Matthew six, Jesus told us to lay up treasures in heaven. We do this, when we are obedient to God, and only for His glory. When we steal the glory and praise from Him, we have our reward. The riches in heaven are not to be compared to the riches on earth. It would be like clinging to a measly penny, when you could have all the purest gold in the world. Jesus also said that it would be very difficult for those with wealth to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, and it is for the following reason: we get too focused on our stuff, and forget what is really important--loving God most of all, and loving everyone else more than ourselves. 

So we must enjoy the things that God has given us, and be generous to all who need, and always remember that the things of this earth are a mere picture of what is to come.

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